The objective is to increase the impact of the project both for the scientific/industrial communities and the society, and to ensure the further development and use of the instrument in future exploration missions.


The objective of this WP is to increase the impact of the project both for the scientific/industrial communities and the society, and to ensure the further development and use of the instrument in future exploration missions.
The project results and achievements will be presented to the scientific and industrial communities during scientific/industrial conferences and workshops, and published in peer reviewed international journals with significant impact (e.g. Annales Geophysicae, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Astrophysical Journal, Physical Review Letters). The goal is to stimulate interest in the project to encourage collaboration within and outside Europe across different domains and at different levels (scientific, engineering and industrial).
The project will also be presented to large non-scientific audience to promote it and, more generally, to promote space science.
Since the instrument can enable the development of several products such as dust remover or dust sample collector, special care will be given to the intellectual property right and patent management.

Lead / Participants



Task 5.1 Set-up and update DUSTER website and project repository (lead: BIRA-IASB)

BIRA-IASB: Set-up the DUSTER website and continuously update it with publications, data (once validated and approved), the movie, activities of the project partners, etc.
Set-up the online project repository and update it with all the data and documents related to the project such as minutes of meetings, technical notes, financial reports, etc.

Task 5.2 Promotion towards scientific audience (lead: ONERA, participant; BIRA-IASB, CSIC, TASE)

ONERA: Coordinate the production of articles/posters/presentations based on the project results and achievements to be published in scientific journals and conferences.
BIRA-IASB, CSIC and TASE: Participate in the production of articles/posters/presentations based on the project results and achievements to be published in scientific journals and conferences.
For all partners: Promotion of the project towards space agencies (national space agencies and ESA) to ensure the further development and use of the instrument in future exploration missions.

Task 5.3 Communication towards non-scientific audience (lead TASE, participant BIRA-IASB, ONERA, CSIC)

TASE: Coordinate the production of articles/posters/presentations to present the project and the results in non scientific media or conferences. Production of a movie targeting non-scientific audience. The movie will be available from the project website and promoted towards the society in general, with special emphasis on university and schools.
BIRA-IASB, ONERA and CSIC: Participate in the production of articles/posters/presentations to present the project and the results in non-scientific media or conferences. Give support to TASE for the production of the movie (supply input, review the movie, etc.).

Task 5.4 Consolidation of the DMP and ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation including communication activities’ (lead: BIRA-IASB, participant ONERA, CSIC, TASE)

BIRA-IASB: Coordinate the update and consolidation of the DMP and ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation including communication activities’. Record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those that are still planned.
ONERA, CSIC and TASE: Give support to BIRA-IASB for the update and consolidation of the plans.

Task 5.5 IPR and patent management (lead: TASE)

TASE: Intellectual property right and patent management. When appropriate, contribution to standards.